
Today’s activity was about noticing what things taste like, rather than munching away unthinkingly. I did fairly well. I forgot at dinner because I was watching an episode of The Simpsons that I had never seen before.

I made an effort to try and think about how to describe food in words, which isn’t always easy – is there a word to describe the bananary-ness of bananas? 🍌. I love the taste of bananas. I wasn’t allowed them on dialysis, and I think I love them all the more because of their enforced absence from my life. I noticed more than the tastes though, the general mouth-feel also struck me – particularly the difference between tonight’s oatcakes and the brie I had on top of them.

When I first became interested in Paganism there was one thing I read online about early stages in connecting to nature or being into Wicca, I can’t really remember the topic, but the first instruction was to eat an apple. To just eat it, concentrating fully on the experience. This activity reminded me of that.

I am pretty tired tonight having had a day in Oxford. I visited Oxford Castle for the first time, one of the things I listed back in this post. It was fascinating inside and out. Climbing all 101 steps of the tower reminded me that I am a bit claustrophobic, but the views were amazing

Windy though! It felt like we could’ve been blown off the mound later on.

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