Failing to pay attention

I work in a shop. Today’s activity is perfect for doing in the shop:

Practice mindfulness again today. Instead of paying attention to your life, pay attention to those you meet, down to the smallest details of how they speak, the words they use, how they move….Humankind is so wonderfully fascinating and varied.

So what happens? Customers! Usually I read when I’m on the till, but people kept wanting to buy things. It was good, obviously, but it meant observing people wasn’t as doable as I had hoped. Customers are fascinating and I do sometimes scribble down things I overhear – quick tip for writers and would be writers – keep notes on things people say and do. A short piece I wrote last year contained a sentence from a scribbled note I made years ago.

I will be attempting this activity again; apart from anything else, it’s great training for a writer, looking at peop

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