Failing to pay attention

I work in a shop. Today’s activity is perfect for doing in the shop:

Practice mindfulness again today. Instead of paying attention to your life, pay attention to those you meet, down to the smallest details of how they speak, the words they use, how they move….Humankind is so wonderfully fascinating and varied.

So what happens? Customers! Usually I read when I’m on the till, but people kept wanting to buy things. It was good, obviously, but it meant observing people wasn’t as doable as I had hoped. Customers are fascinating and I do sometimes scribble down things I overhear – quick tip for writers and would be writers – keep notes on things people say and do. A short piece I wrote last year contained a sentence from a scribbled note I made years ago.

I will be attempting this activity again; apart from anything else, it’s great training for a writer, looking at peop


I have been writing most of today. I stopped to do the dishes, and to cook (finally! Last night I got as far as slicing bread and eating them on their own – it was good bread) and I didn’t really surface until after 10am, because t mostly I have written. Fiction, new fiction I mean, straight out of my brain, sort of, as it was a scene written from another point of view, but mostly new words, well, regular words in a fresh order, then I began going through things I wrote over the past year. There’s some good things there, and I lost track of time. So nothing to blog about really, but still, it was good to re-read old pieces and see the good parts of them. A real boost to my mood. I don’t know how long this exhaustive low mood will last, but today was better than yesterday, and I am determined to keep blogging, even if it’s not about the (un)usual activities I set this blog up to chronicle.

I have set up a new category “living” to remind me that even if I don’t blog about what I planned to it’s still worth blogging, if only to keep going. I have also learned how to delete spam comments.

Edit: Apparently this is my 💯 blog post. Well done me 😃


Self-kindness isn’t always the obvious. Today I was kind to myself by I allowing myself to do as much as I could without beating myself up over all that I didn’t do.

Today I am giving myself three cheers (or would if I had the energy) for:

  • Getting my morning pages written
  • Having breakfast and my pills
  • Getting dressed
  • Getting the bed made
  • Opening the shutters

All this by around midday.

I recognised that I needed food. So I

  • Found my phone
  • Phoned home, because I had already arranged with Mum to go to the bigger supermarket today, which worked out well, timing wise because I wouldn’t have had the energy to walk anywhere
  • Put on more layers of clothes
  • Get wallet and shopping bags together
  • Find pen and small notebook
  • Get a basic shopping list written out
  • Put house keys in bag

And if you think that the above list is easier to do than to write out you would be right. Except on days when even thinking the words “get wallet, get cool bag, get shopping bag” take as much time and effort as I don’t know, my brain isn’t working here – think of some thing you have to do but aren’t good at, I don’t know like, reciting a poem you read once in school…

I got to the supermarket. I bought most of what was on the list. I was awake, my brain was able to think. I bought a pair of pillows, because I need a new one and they’re only sold in pairs and it was on sale and I paid and I remembered to put one of the cans into the food bank collection, because I am lucky, I can afford Food, and it was fine, it wasn’t an effort, I had some energy to spare from the energy my body had saved from barely functioning this morning, even when allowing for the energy used when wearing the mask of “being a normal,non-depressed, fully-functional member of the human race that is automatically put on whenever I leave the house when depressed and is there whether I want it or not.

I got home.

  • I unpacked the cool bag
  • I put groceries in the fridge
  • I unplugged the phone which I had left charging
  • I read a text from a friend. No energy to reply.
  • I made myself write. It took me three attempts to get 27 minutes done.
  • I ate something
  • I made myself write some more fiction for 5 minutes.
  • I felt relieved that I hadn’t broken the streak, that Today I Wrote.
  • I was cold, so I went to bed, thankfully too tired to feel guilty for not texting my friend back.
  • I slept

Depression isn’t sadness, sometimes it is just a much reduced ability to function.

I didn’t want to lay in bed thinking about nothing. It’s not that fun, honest. I am pleased that I managed to get up at all. I am pleased that I actually slept this afternoon. Not surprised though, functioning can be exhausting.

So can moving. I am awake now and though my brain is working enough to type this out (though looking at the clock it’s taken half an hour to get this far) I am aware of the slightly sick feeling of hunger. If getting my bags together is hard, getting Food together can be worse. I got to do this while not getting burned, or food poisoning or something. But I can do it. I am sure I bought something that can be heated up, knowing I would not be up to cooking from scratch.

Still something else I have achieved today:

  • Wrote blog post


If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always had.

This blog is following a book that’s about making changes to your life. Today’s activity is about thinking about how it applies to my life. Changing small things, one at a time can change your life. It is also psychologically better to change small things rather than big ones.

I have been through big, overnight changes. It is not pleasant, even if the cause is a good one (kidney transplant, in my case) My life changed 180 degrees and mentally it’s a shock to the system. Making large changes yourself is hard to keep up, changing things slowly is much easier.

I have made lots of little changes and some things stick. A year ago today I decided to make myself sit down and write for half an hour every day. Today I celebrated my first anniversary of doing just that. The thing is, it was half an hour. That is doable. I would not be celebrating today had I decided to do an hour a day. Some days, exhausted from college I could talk myself into doing half an hour, while dinner heated up say, easy enough to squeeze that in. If it had been an hour it would have become overwhelming. Excuses would be made. Days would have been skipped. I have written for an hour. I regularly write for 42 minutes. – I set the stopwatch function on my phone going (and mute the phone) to ensure I do half an hour, and began noticing that I was stopping it at 42 minutes. Usually my writing doesn’t work as well after that point, unless I am on a roll).

As I keep saying here, in the last few years my life has changed tremendously. The big changes were out of my hands, but the small changes were changes I made, and that’s why they stuck.

Learning something new

Tired tonight & busy day tomorrow. I was wondering how I could fit blogging in today ( not the typing, but the doing) when I saw Sunday’s activity and realised I had already done that. Thank You Spirit!

Identify one area of your knowledge or expertise…then find something new on this topic to read and learn.

Yesterday I got the following book from the library:

I have never read her books, but my intuition told me to borrow it. It is inspired by a writing course and perfectly fits today’s activity.

I am taking my writing more seriously and this book covers everything from getting started to getting published. Lots of new information.


Today’s prompt is to write down things you criticise about yourself then ask if all the criticism made any difference.

Some self-criticism did make a difference – it increased the shame/guilt/self-criticism…

The only positive criticism from myself happens when I am rewriting.

All good writing is rewriting

This blog is not the best written…

Apart from yesterday’s ramble about food this week’s posts have been short. I hoped to do a prompt a day, and only done six this week. I could spend hours criticising myself for it, but given the incredible busyness of the week, and the heart-stopping moment when I was told Marley was missing, I have done well. Nothing good comes from beating yourself up. I have learned that the hard way. I am determined to continue looking on the bright side rather than criticising myself for things beyond my control.

I could rant and rave about how I keep having to retype words because the I keeps turn8ng into an 8, but instead I choose be thankful that I can type this on my tablet rather than firing up the laptop because it’s easier to post.

If you want to criticise the blog feel free to leave a comment. Positive or constructive criticism appreciated. If you can’t think of anything positive or constructive, then go and find another blog. One you enjoy. Leave a positive message – that way you will make someone happy.

In the end, that’s all that matters.

The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.

― Audrey Hepburn