Later that evening

Divine timing or just irony? After all that to find a black and white film to watch, I looked at my schedule and saw that I had one to watch this evening after all. Not exactly a slower pace though. – October 1917 A classic film, and interesting to see. No flashing images as such, but the cutting was so quick it had a similar effect and I had to look away at one point. The music was familiar to me ( I grew up listening to Shostakovich – IMDb link purely because I was already on the site) Seeing the images with the music was something else. It’s obviously being shown because of the centenary of the Russian revolution, but watching it on bonfire night, with a background sound of fireworks going off was particularly effective!

Earlier I forgot to type up my thoughts on how this week has gone. The seasonal eating is something I am still working on. It’s harder to cook around a migraine attack. I’ll cook more next week. I found a celeriac & beetroot recipe earlier today. I have eaten seasonal food all week – just not as I intended. No forward planning, but apples every day from my parents’ trees (not as grand as it sounds – we have two, 1 red, 1green. 🍎🍏)

I want to do more with the affirmations I created. Samhain took over the evening otherwise I would have. I will definitely be returning to them (if the book doesn’t prompt me to first) I feel less guilty about not completely doing Thursday’s activity now I know I was pre migraine – I am impressed I got as much done as I did.

No excuses

Today’s activity is to take 90 minutes out and enjoy a classic black and white movie.

Forget the excuses and take a little time out for you. Old movies are the perfect antidote to our fast-forward world

So, here’s my excuses…

  1. I have no black and white films on dvd
  2. I don’t have Netflix or any other streaming service
  3. My Freeview Box isn’t working properly. I can watch channels 1 – 5 and BBC4 but the rest aren’t playing properly for some reason. Either that or the tv aerial is playing up. I will investigate this on Monday, but I cannot do much about that now.
  4. There are no black and white movies on these channels at the moment.
  5. Even if I could sort out the tv I don’t have the energy. Sometimes, post-migraine, the littlest things leave me exhausted. This morning’s trip to the supermarket was one of them. I’m too tired to even sleep.
  6. I checked BBC iPlayer the only black and white film is Suspicion. This is not an antidote. When my brain is like this, suspense doesn’t help, and can make things worse.

Just when I was wondering how to do this activity I remembered back when Apple used to give things away after Christmas. One of them has been in my iTunes account for ages – Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times.

I have just watched it. Not a bad film. I prefer Harold Lloyd or Buster Keaton, but as a way of passing the time it was alright. I laughed a few times and my body needed the luxury of not moving for 90 minutes.