
Today’s prompt is to write down things you criticise about yourself then ask if all the criticism made any difference.

Some self-criticism did make a difference – it increased the shame/guilt/self-criticism…

The only positive criticism from myself happens when I am rewriting.

All good writing is rewriting

This blog is not the best written…

Apart from yesterday’s ramble about food this week’s posts have been short. I hoped to do a prompt a day, and only done six this week. I could spend hours criticising myself for it, but given the incredible busyness of the week, and the heart-stopping moment when I was told Marley was missing, I have done well. Nothing good comes from beating yourself up. I have learned that the hard way. I am determined to continue looking on the bright side rather than criticising myself for things beyond my control.

I could rant and rave about how I keep having to retype words because the I keeps turn8ng into an 8, but instead I choose be thankful that I can type this on my tablet rather than firing up the laptop because it’s easier to post.

If you want to criticise the blog feel free to leave a comment. Positive or constructive criticism appreciated. If you can’t think of anything positive or constructive, then go and find another blog. One you enjoy. Leave a positive message – that way you will make someone happy.

In the end, that’s all that matters.

The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it’s all that matters.

― Audrey Hepburn

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